Monday, March 21, 2011

Review: Tim Butler - All The Rest

This album is the indie pop equivalent of comfort food. There is something familiar, warm and inviting about all of the tracks. Is All The Rest going to blow you away with songs the like of which you've never heard before? No, it is not. However, sometimes you just need to sink your teeth into the tried and true.

That is the key here. This music is tried, never tired. "Reaching Out" is a classic album opener, all driving force and crunchy guitars. "We Can Have It All" is another classy tune, this time with a Crowded House feel in evidence.

An even earlier era is evoked in the fantastic "I Feel what I Feel" which updates 60's AM pop/rock radio, all bright sunshine and harmonies. "The Choice is Yours" is the best of the up-tempo numbers, laden with hooks and great guitar licks.

Really, there are no clunkers on the nine tracks here, and when the "la la la"s appear on the finale "I Feel Love" it hits the spot perfectly, just like that scoop of ice cream you get with a slice of hot apple pie.

My recommendation: Go get this album... and some meatloaf.

Grade: B+/A-

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